Thursday, September 16, 2010

Muddiest Point 9/13

More of an observation, really: 
Now that we have basically made computers as small as we would like them to be, is the obsession with smaller-is-better computing over?  Is most of the computer hardware we saw this past week on its way out?  Will our kids ever even use a desktop computer?

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting observation. I actually would not be amazed if our children never use a desktop computer. I am not creative enough to imagine what they will be using, but if we follow the path we currently are in the speed of innovation and growth in doesn't seem to me as improbable. It actually seems more likley than not.

    The other day, when I was getting a tour of the library I'm interning at, the reference librarian pointed out a boombox that they purchased around ten years ago. She says it has never been used. It doesn't surprise me--but it dawned on me how archaic a machine it was in terms of what is available today as compared to yesterday.
