Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/ 13 Reading Notes

What Cloud Computing Means
This strikes me as the webinization of the web, if I may make so little sense....
I was actually discussing this the other day in my super-interesting professional life: computing power is bound to one day be considered a utility, where we all pay for our required metered amounts of storage and computational oomph. That's part of this whole idea, right?

Explaining Cloud Computing

This guy is like a parody of himself; If you speed up the video, it looks like he's dancing or trying to peck the screen. Worth it.
At work, we sometimes farm out our 3D rendering to Amazon, because they can do it or 1/3 the cost and time. This is a very interesting development, and more than anything else so far this semester I feel like we're looking into what normal life will be like in 30 years when I'll be complaining about the good old days but am still really attractive.

Thomas Frey. The Future of Libraries: Beginning the Great Transformation

Wait: there's a National Intelligence Council? There is? Has anything non-eugenics-related ever sounded quite so pretentious?

I truly appreciated this reading, and for the first time wish we were in a physical classroom so that I could listen to better students discuss Mr Fry's outrageous proposals (most of which make sense). His thoughts on libraries shifting from centers of information (which is bound to be generically accessible) to cultural centers hopefully prescient, because it would be great to work in one. I do wonder, though, if he has given us all too much credit in his predictions. We are, after all, still fascinated by the daily lives of Kate Goslin and the president's kids.
Perhaps most importantly: how do you get to be a futurist? Is it too late to change majors, or do you earn it on a badge system, like my 'falconer' and 'parent' badges?


  1. I think one has to earn badges to be a futurist. Or just be hip and trendy. I liked Thomas Frey's ideas of libraries of the future. Plus, did you see his picture? He was sporting an awesome hat, so he must be great!

  2. In response to the fast forwarding about the explaining cloud computing guy: the pecking is hilarious. I also think he pauses at weird points in sentences. Someone commented on that video that he looks like a Bill Gates/Beatles mix haha.

    Anyways, I find it interesting that the company you work for farms out their 3D rendering to Amazon because it is cheaper/quicker. That sounds like it could be quite a phenomenon (like having factories in China?). I'm surprised I had never heard of Cloud Computing before cause it seems like a money saver...

  3. A very interesting observation is listed in trend 5: "43% of the people in our society are having trouble making decisions because of sheer data overload." Sometimes, too much info is as bad as no info at all. I think people have to develop a "selective" sense - as you said, the daily life of the Gosselins or the Kardashians do pass as information these days.
